
The student has to answer a question by choosing the right answer from (max. 5) possible answers.
The app generates questions in ‘random’ order based on teacher-chosen material and preferences.
To be set by the teacher (on the teachers’ page):
• content (see below)
• time to answer (speed): 0-60 sec.
• score depending on time: yes/no
• (visible only with ‘note reading’ content) keep settings of the player?
– Yes (=standard): settings of the player (such as key) affect the display in the app;
– No: the teacher chooses instrument and key (+ transpose if necessary) as it is also displayed in the app.
• number of response options (2 to 5)
• number of questions/number of correct answers (+ minimum % correct answers)
Content to be selected by the teacher:
• Names of notes; what is the name of this note:

• Names of rests; what’s the name of this rest:

• Length of notes; how long does this note last?

• Length of rests; how long does this rest last?

• Measure: how many beats are in the bar:
• Measure: which note lasts 1 beat:

• Dynamics: what does this abbreviation mean:

• Dynamics; this means:
crescendo, decrescendo, diminuendo, forte, fortissimo, fortissisimo, mezzo forte, mezzo piano, morendo, pianissimo, pianissisimo, rinf, rfz, sfz, smorzando
• Tempo markings; this means:
adagio, allegretto, allegro, allegro moderato, andante, andantino, fast, grave, larghetto, largo, lento, medium, moderato, presto, slow, uptempo, vivace
• Chances in tempo; this means:
a tempo, acc., accellerando, ad lib., ad libitum, animando, calando, con moto, l’istesso tempo, meno mosso, piu mosso, rall., rallentando, rit., ritardando, ritenuto, rubato, string., stringendo, tempo primo
• Key signatures; what key signature you see here:
0 t.m. 7 sharps major
0 t.m. 7 flats major
0 t.m. 7 sharps minor
0 t.m. 7 flats minor
• Articulation/clues; this means:
allargando, arco, col legno, con sord., con sordino, du-wah, fortepiano, fp, gliss., glissando, legatissimo, legato, leggierissimo, leggiero, marcato, non legato, pizz., pizzicato, portato, s. sord., senza sordino, sf, sforzato, spiccato, staccatissimo, staccato
• Character (Italian words); this means:
affabile, affettuoso, agile, agitato, animato, appassionato, cantabile, comodo, deciso, dolce, energico, espressivo, feroce, grandioso, grazioso, lacrimoso, lamentoso, lirico, maestoso, pastorale, rapido, scherzando, tenuto, tranquillo, vigoroso
• Words and abbreviations; this means:
8va, 8va bassa, a due, a2, accel., div., divisi, fermate, ottava, ottava bassa, sim., simile, sub., subito, v.s., volte subito, prima volta, secunda volta
• Italian terms; this means:
alla breve, assai, attacca, coda, consenza, da capo, dal segno, fine, meno, mezzo, molto, mosso, moto, non, non troppo, piu, poco, poco a poco, secco segno, sempre, solo, sul tasto, tacet, tranquillo, tremolo, troppo, tutti
• English terms; this means:
afterbeat, beat, beats per minute, blue note, bpm, break, bridge, chord, chorus, cover, distortion, downbeat, fade in, fade out, fast, fill, ghost-note, interlude intro, leadzanger, medium, mute, optional, outro, powerchord, riff, scoop, sample, slow, slow off, song, swing, unplugged, verse
• Harmony; this means:
tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant, subtonic, leading tone
• Terminology; this means:
a capella, basso continuo, consonant, dissonant, homophony, intermezzo, ostinato, polyphony, syncopation, unisono
• Tuplets; what is shown here:

• Ornaments/articulation/clues; what is shown here:

• Notation; what is shown here or what does it mean:

• Meters; this time signature is:
(duple/triple time, simple/compound, regular/irregular)

• Chords; what chord do you see here:
– displayed as notes
– displayed as chord symbols
– content: see module ‘chords‘
– keys signatures: all
• Chords; which notes make up this chord:
– displayed as chord symbols
– displayed as text
– content: see module ‘chords‘
– keys signatures: all
• Intervals; what interval do you see here:
– content: see module ‘intervals’
– keys signatures: all
• Scales; what scale do you see here:
– content: see module ‘scales’
– keys signatures: all