

• Reading: the student sees a note and has to click on the correct ‘letter’ within a certain time.
• Writing: the student sees the name of a note and has to put it in the right place (and possibly add accidentals).

The app generates questions in ‘random’ order based on teacher-chosen material and preferences.

To be set by the teacher (on the teachers’ page):

• question (if not filled in, the standard question will be displayed)
• type of question/display:
– reading notes
– writing notes
• octave indication:
– does not matter (=standard): the player only has to choose the note, not the octave-position
– does matter: the player must choose the note + the correct octave-position
• notation: ‘c,d,e’/’do,re,mi’/only selected note names/don’t show note names
• show note: yes/no
• time to answer (speed): 0-60 sec.
• score: yes/no depending on time
• instrument
• keep player settings (=key, instrument and notation)? (yes/no)
• key: G-, F-, alto-, or tenor-key, grand staff
• ‘split point’  (lowest note in G-key)
• mode of accidentals: fixed or ‘coincidental’
• fixed accidentals: minimum 0, maximum 5 sharps and/or flats

• number of questions/number of correct answers (+ minimum % correct answers)

Content to be selected by the teacher:

Depending on the selected instrument, all notes from C1 to C7 (C – c””)

The central c is displayed with c’:
