This is how you motivate students to use Earz

Earz in the lesson
Of course Earz is handy for students to work with at home. But also use it occasionally in the lesson for explanation and inspiration. On an IWB, you can very nicely explain topics present in Earz and let students hear things. To do this, click on the i-symbol in the app. With Instruments, for example, you can show and hear the difference between instruments in this way.

Earz at home
If you let students work with Earz at home, give them concrete assignments with concrete goals. So e.g. not ‘go and practise solfège with Earz’, but ‘do the game Solfège for Beginners and make sure you score at least 3000 points’.

Earz results end up (depending on privacy settings) in a highscore. Many students like to see which place they are at or, for example, that they are rising in the rankings! All can be seen in the app’s scoreboard.

Badges & rewards
• Achieving points gives ‘badges’ with some regularity. Super fun and motivating to achieve them.
• Earz players can earn daily ‘rewards’, such as ‘5 questions right in a row’ or ’10 correct answers within 5 minutes’.

In the app, clicking on the player’s name in the top right gives an overview of all badges and rewards achieved.

Organise a competition
It can also motivate if, as a teacher, you occasionally award a prize for a certain achievement, e.g. highest number of points of the school year. You can of course check this in the Student Tracking System.

Students can also play against each other live! Read here how to facilitate this as a teacher.

Create your own games
With self-created games, you can match the level and experiences of your students. For example:
• link games to a method used;
• introduce music through e.g. YouTube videos;
• capitalise on a current event or popular artist.
Making your own games is easier than you might think; see here for manuals.

Ask students for an assessment
For your own games, you can ask a survey question at the end of each Level. Ask, for example, whether they enjoyed doing this Level. Useful for improving your games.

Let students make games
Students can make Earz games too! Read how here.