Earn money by making Earz games!

As a teacher, you have specialised knowledge and might enjoy making an Earz game or course about this.
• Quiz game: a game on the subject of hip-hop.
• Course: a chord course for guitarists (ear, theory, fingerings).
Earz wants to reward you for this: you will receive (at least) € 125 (excl. vat) per game or course!

These are the conditions:

Content of a quiz game:
• a game consists of a minimum of 25 quiz-questions
• the ‘type’ of question is varied, so that a game is created that is engaging for the player. (NB. ‘open’ questions are not allowed.)

Content of a course:
• a course consists of several games with a special purpose/for a special target group.

Conditions when using the quiz module (in both quiz game and course):
• the answers (apart from yes/no) should not be ‘language-dependent’. International terms (e.g. ‘allegro’) are allowed. The exception to this is if a game is only to be used in a certain language area.
• no (image or sound) material may be used that is protected by copyrights. See also *) below.

Use of the game/course:
• Earz becomes the owner of the game/course.
• the game/course may be included in the standard Earz games library indefinitely.
• the game/course and any associated material may be edited by us or others.
• you may (but do not have to) attach your name to the game/course.
• you may also continue to use and modify the game/course yourself.

• you first make by mail a proposal for a topic (and possibly other ideas)
• we agree in advance (by mail) what the topic, length and payment will be.
• Earz ultimately decides whether a game/course will be accepted/used. Perhaps some adjustments are needed (in consultation).

Further conditions:
• you have an Earz subscription yourself or work at a school with an Earz subscription.
• you are able to send an invoice. This will be paid within a week of receipt. You are responsible for any tax payments.

*) addition copyrights:
Of image and sound material used in the other Earz modules (such as Styles, Instruments and Effects), we have the right to use within Earz and can therefore also be used in the quiz questions. If necessary, use ‘dummy’ examples first which we can then replace with our ‘own’ Earz material.