Earz and AI

Within Earz, as a teacher, you can – if you want – use AI (Artificial Intelligence) in your own games.

You can do this in the Quiz module when asking open questions; under type of question, choose the open question AI (beta) option.
The answers to these open questions are checked and graded by AI. The teacher can manually correct this afterwards if necessary.

Click here for the detailed Quiz module manual and here for the section on open question AI (beta).

For assessment, Earz uses ChatGPT. The answer given by the student is sent to OpenAI‘s servers, assessed there by AI, and then provided with response and assessment for the student in the app.

• Once the student has answered the question, a screen follows asking them to wait a while for the answer to be checked. Usually this only takes a few seconds, but it can take longer the more intensively the services of the AI provider are used.
• AI is not error-free, and it is therefore possible that assessments sometimes deviate from what you, as a teacher, consider desirable. Earz is not responsible for this content!
• For now, this feature is free for teachers with a subscription, but each AI assessment will cost Earz money. Practice will show whether this model can be maintained.
• The integration of AI in Earz is so flexible that – should the need arise – we can easily switch to another AI provider (without users noticing).
• In connection with the above, the use of AI is ‘beta’ for the time being. Practice will tell how useful it is and whether it really is a good extension of Earz.

The information sent to the AI company always consists of only content-related data (such as content of question and answer). Personal data is never sent to the AI provider!